By Alexis Reed, Aide to Councilmember Navarro
Census Rally
On Wednesday, October 21, hundreds of people from across the County gathered to celebrate the complete count initiative in Montgomery County for the 2010 U.S. Census. The event, titled, The Montgomery County Census 2010 Rally, took place in Rockville Town Square in the morning. The event was open to the public, and provided a plethora of information about the upcoming 2010 U.S. Census.
Delicious refreshments were provided by Honest Tea and The Bean Bag Deli. The Mystic Warriors, an Andean music group, provided live music for the rally. Abe Lincoln, a regular participant in the Washington Nationals' Presidents Race, was also present at this event. Former U.S. Representatives Connie Morella and Michael
Barnes, Co-Chairs of the Complete Count
Committee, kicked off the event. The Beall Elementary School Chorus performed the National Anthem after a brief introduction, and concluded the event by singing "God Bless
America" along with members of the audience.
During the program, many elected officials and community leaders gave statements about the importance of participating in next year's Census. County Executive Ike Leggett, Council President Phil Andrews, Maryland Secretary of State John McDonough, were among the many leaders who spoke during the event. A video was presented just before Councilmember Navarro's statement, which provided additional information to the curious audience.
The County's slogan for the upcoming Census is "Everyone Counts... in Montgomery County!"
The Montgomery County Complete Count Committee, where Councilmember Navarro serves as Vice-Chair, is working on outreach for groups that are "hard to count." District 4 has several Census Tracts that have been designated as some of the hardest-to-count tracts in the County, including communities in Fairland, Briggs Chaney, and Aspen Hill, among others.
See the Montgomery County Census Tracts Designated as Hard-to-Count here. (Warning! PDF!)
Which Groups are the Hardest to Count?
The U.S. Census Bureau developed 12 variables linked with non-response rates in 1990 and 2000. These variables are used by the Census Bureau to determine Hard-to-Count scores. The 12 attributes, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, are:
- Percent vacant housing units
- Percent of housing units that are not single detached or attached units
- Percent renter occupied housing units
- Percent occupied housing units with more than 1.5 people per room
- Percent households that are not husband/wife families
- Percent occupied housing units with no telephone service
- Percent not high school graduate (ages 25+)
- Percent of people below the poverty line
- Percent households with public assistance income
- Percent of people unemployed
- Percent linguistically isolated households
- Percent occupied housing units where householder moved into unit in 1999-2000
How the U.S. Census Bureau Safeguards Your Privacy:
IMPORTANT! "Information collected by the U.S. Census Bureau is used only for statistical purposes. When the Census Bureau says it will keep your information confidential, that also means it will not release results that could be used to identify you. That's the law!" - U.S. Census Bureau
Title 13 of the U.S. code prevents Census Bureau employees from disclosing any information about individuals or businesses gathered by the agency. There are substantial penalties for breaking this law!
If You Have Any Questions about the Complete Count Committee Program...
Please contact the regional census center (Philadelphia) and ask for the Maryland/Montgomery County partnership area. (215) 717-1020.
For any additional questions/concerns regarding confidentiality of the U.S. Census Bureau...
Please call 1(800) 262-4236, or visit
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